Add Devices
Introduce several ways of binding devices, including Ble, QrCode, etc.
In our current product, devices can be added via ble, qrcode and LAN multicast.
Adding by BLE
Adding by Ble support: X1,Aegis,Gatweay.
Adding process introduction
1. Check Bluetooth permission
// Is Ble Enable
if (!BleHelper.isBleEnable()) {
ViseLog.e("BlueTooth not enable");
if (!BleHelper.checkBlePermission(context)) {
ViseLog.e("Location for ble scan");
//GPS is needed for auto unlock
if (!LocationOperateUtils.isLocationServiceEnable(context)) {
ViseLog.e("BlueTooth not enable");
2. implement the Bluetooth Listener interface
OnScanListener:For listening to Bluetooth search callbacks
OnConnectListener:For listening to Bluetooth connection callbacks
OnParserListener:For Bluetooth data parsing callback listening
OnBleBusinessListener:For listening to Bluetooth command callbacks
3. Scan BLE devices
//Start searching ble device
BleScanHelper.getInstance().startSearch(macAddress, deviceName, rule, uuid, minRSsi, BleScanHelper.TIME_OUT, false);
//Stop searching ble device
//Register ble scaning callback
//unRegister ble scaning callback
The scanning results are called back in the onScanResult
//Scan result
public void onScanResult(@Nullable ScanResult scanResult)
//Scan timeout
public void onScanTimeOut()
//Scan failure
public void onScanFailure(@NotNull Throwable throwable)
4. Connect BLE Devices
To connect Bluetooth devices, you need to start the service BleService
Register Bluetooth service in AndroidManifest.xml
, and bind the service in Activity to keep Bluetooth connection during Activity switching.
<service android:name="com.bosma.blemodule.connect.BleService" />
// register ble connection receiver
fun registerBleConnectionReceiver() {
val filterBle = IntentFilter()
if (mBleReceiver != null) {
mBleReceiver = BleReceiver(this)
MyApplication.getApplication().registerReceiver(mBleReceiver, filterBle)
//unregister ble connection receiver
fun unRegisterBleConnectionReceiver() {
try {
} catch (ex: Exception) {
//start connect ble device
//Disconnect ble device
When the device is connected, onDataReady
callback, initialize the command callback listener
public void onDataReady() {
// Device is connected and is ready to send data
AddBleBusinessHelper.onDataReady(mModelCode, getScanResult().getBleDevice().getMacAddress());
5. Command data parser call back
// register data parser
// unregister data parser
// data callbac
public void onParseResp(int code, @Nullable Object value) {
//Ble Data receive here
ViseLog.i("onParseResp code = " + code + " value = " + value);
if (value instanceof BaseModel) {
if (((BaseModel) value).getConfirm() != 0) {
// Start to parse data
AddBleBusinessHelper.onParseResp(code, value);
6. Registering command business callbacks
// register Add device command business callback
//register Aegis command business callback
Adding X1 Device(BLE Camera)
Overall process: search for devices -> connect devices -> initialize data -> configure network -> bind to server -> complete
When X1 is connected,onDataReady()
will callback,then initialize the business call back:
AddBleBusinessHelper.onDataReady(mModelCode, getScanResult().getBleDevice().getMacAddress());
When a command is received from a device, the following method is called to parse it.
// Start to parse data
AddBleBusinessHelper.onParseResp(code, value);
Get WiFi List to select:
public static void getWiFiList()
Set wifi ssid and password to device:
public static void setSSidAndPassword(String sSid, String password)
Adding Aegis devices
Overall process: search for devices -> connect devices -> initialize data -> bind to server -> complete
Adding Aegis , the device is connected, it will automatically interact with data and bind to the server, please refer to Demo details
Add Keypad device
The overall process: initialize data -> search device -> connect device -> bind to server -> complete
Pass in Aegis related data for initialization
* @param lockPid Aegis's PId
* @param lockMac Aegis's mac address
AddBleBusinessHelper.initParamsForAddKeypad(String lockPid, String lockMac);
After initializing the data, it will automatically interact with the data and bind to the server. Please refer to Demo for details
Add HomeStation Device
Overall process: Get sessionId -> connect devices -> bind to server -> complete
1. Get SessionId
First get the SessionId
and save it locally for subsequent processes. This interface is in the
* Get session id for device adding
* @param familyId your current family id, can be empty.
public static Call<BaseTResp<String>> getApplyBindSession(String familyId)
Then search and connect the device, enter the WiFi and password that needs to be connected and send it to the device side, the device will automatically interact with the data and bind to the server.
App side will query the device binding result according to the previous SessionId
. Please refer to Demo for details.
Adding deivce by QRCode
Step1: input WiFi ssid and password
Step2: apply session id for binding
String mSession;
public void applySession(View view) {
EditText etWifiSSID = findViewById(;
EditText etWifiPassword = findViewById(;
String wifiSSID = etWifiSSID.getText().toString();
String wifiPassword = etWifiPassword.getText().toString();
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(wifiSSID) || TextUtils.isEmpty(wifiPassword)) {
Toast.makeText(this, "please enter WiFi information", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
DeviceHttpHelper.getApplyBindSession().enqueue(new Callback<BaseTResp<String>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<BaseTResp<String>> call, Response<BaseTResp<String>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful() && response.body() != null) {
mSession = response.body().getData();
generateQrCode(wifiSSID, wifiPassword);
public void onFailure(Call<BaseTResp<String>> call, Throwable t) {
Step3: Assemble session and WiFi name password and other information into QrCodeData, serialize it into a json string, and use the string to generate QR code images.
public void generateQrCode(String wifiSSID, String wifiPassword) {
String sessionDecoded = new String(Base64.decode(mSession, Base64.DEFAULT));
String identity = BosmaFramework.getInstance().getTicket().getIdentity();
String countryCode = identity != null ? identity : Locale.getDefault().getCountry();
int serverCode = 3;//release environment by default
if (BosmaFramework.getInstance().isDebug()) {
//1 - dev 2 - uat
if (countryCode.equals("CN")) {
serverCode = 2;
} else {
serverCode = 1;
QRCodeData qrCodeData = new QRCodeData();
String qrCodeString = new Gson().toJson(qrCodeData);
QrCodeDialogFragment instance = QrCodeDialogFragment.getInstance(qrCodeString);, QrCodeDialogFragment.class.getSimpleName());
Step4: Prompt the user to use the device to scan the QR code to read the session as well as the WiFi account password, and the device will automatically connect to WiFi and bind the data after reading the information.
Step5: Prompt the user when they hear "Connecting to WiFi" from the device, then click Next to poll for the binding result.
private void startQueryBindingResult() {
if (null != mRxTimeUtil) {
} else {
mRxTimeUtil = new RxTimerUtil();
mRxTimeUtil.interval(1000, 5000, number -> {
Call<BaseTResp<DeviceModel>> call = DeviceHttpHelper.getApplyBindResult(mSession);
call.enqueue(new Callback<BaseTResp<DeviceModel>>() {
public void onResponse(Call<BaseTResp<DeviceModel>> call, Response<BaseTResp<DeviceModel>> response) {
if (response.isSuccessful() && response.body() != null) {
if (response.body().getData() != null) {
Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "BindDevice Success", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
if (number > 30) {
public void onFailure(Call<BaseTResp<DeviceModel>> call, Throwable t) {
if (number > 30) {
Adding device by LAN multicast
Add EverView Dewvice
You need to add HomeStation before adding EverView,Select the HomeStation you want to add EverView to and initialize AiBoxCommander
1. Check HomeStation Status
Check if HomeStation is in pair mode, if it is, stop first, then continue to start
* Get the current pairing mode of aibox
public BosmaCall<APP_SET_AIBOX_PAIR_STATUS> queryAiBoxPairStatus()
2.Set HomeStation Status
Set HomeStation into pair mode
* Set aibox into pairing mode
* @param status 0=start 1=stop
* @param timeout 0-120 seconds
public BosmaCall<FWCommonResponse> setAiBoxPairStatus(short status, short timeout)
3.Check if the device has been added
This interface is asynchronous, just send it and wait for the response from the device
* Get devices waiting to be paired
public BosmaCall<APP_DEVICE_PAIR_DEVICE_RESP> queryAiBoxPairingDevices()
4. Register the device and respond to device
This API is in
* register device
* @param homeStationModel HomeStation Device
* @param pairDeviceResp HomeStation pair result information
public static void registerResult(DeviceModel homeStationModel, APP_DEVICE_PAIR_DEVICE_RESP pairDeviceResp)
After successful registration, respond to device the result. This API is in
* Notify the binding result to aibox (0=Failed,1 = Success)
public BosmaCall<FWCommonResponse> notifyAiBoxBindIpc(short result, String mac)
Add Subdevice
Coming soon